Bakersfield PACE provides a caring network of medical and social services which promotes independence, dignity and pride and enables our members to live at home in the community with friends and family.
Bakersfield PACE provides a complete program of healthcare and wellness services in Kern and Tulare County. Our goal is to help seniors live independently in their homes, as an alternative to living in a nursing home. Healthcare services include preventative, primary and acute medical services, and long-term care.
Medical Benefits
Primary doctor care
Specialty doctor care
Acute hospital care
Emergency care
Nursing care
Physical Therapy
Speech Therapy
Audiology and hearing
Prescription drugs
Durable medical equipment and supplies
Mental health services
Eye care including glasses
Diagnostic tests and lab services
Health & Wellness Services
Social services
Nutrition services
Recreational exercise
Chaplain/Spiritual Care
Appointment Escorts
Personal Care
Hair Care
Light Housework
Medication Reminders
The Bakersfield PACE center will have daily activities that will help with social health of our members. Some of these activities will include:
Exercise Classes
Board Games
Music & Dancing
Field Trips & much more
An integral part of driving care is transportation. Full transportation to and from our center is provided including transport to outside appointments with specialists. Moreover, our Activities team coordinates monthly outings for our Participants to take advantage of community events, movies, shopping amongst others.
Bakersfield PACE participants have access to our network of healthcare professionals. Our valued participants receive the best medical care from our communities’ finest specialists working with the geriatric population. We have a collaborative team of outside specialists, (full directory here) as well as a superb internal medical team ready to help plan for care. All of our healthcare professionals work alongside our members to ensure timely visits and high satisfaction. Our goal is to provide medical access to all participants as needed – around the clock 24/7.
Bakersfield PACE provides an array of services to the elderly population that are underserved and lack the appropriate self-sustaining support. Among these various services is our Social Services Department made up of experienced staff who provide the following type of services:
Initial, Semi-Annual and Annual Assessments (determination of elopement, suicide, and provision of mental health services)
Mental Health Counseling (conflict resolution, re-direction, bereavement, coping skills, acceptance of illness and process of feelings)
Crisis Intervention (interpersonal, trauma, and psychosocial stressors)
Case Management (assistance with Medi-Cal, SSI, housing, food and community resources.)
Advocacy and Empowerment
The Social Services Department is vital to the Interdisciplinary Team acting as a voice and resonating sound bar for those that have limited to no social support. On a daily basis the social workers work together to restore, encourage, and promote a better livelihood for our underserved, disabled, and elderly population by helping in areas such as grievances, appeals and service delivery requests. Our ultimate objective is to ensure the respect, and dignity and worth of our participants is preserved.